We had been looking at homes around Las Cruces for a few months when my husband spotted this house on a bike ride.   The next Sunday we saw a pickup truck in front of the house so we stopped in.   Kiki was working and with no hesitation invited us in to take a look.   The house was about half done.   We had seen dozens of homes and without a doubt this home far surpassed the rest.   

Soon after, the realtor we were working with called to tell us he had seen a house that would “knock your socks off”.   The next day we went with him to see it and it turned out to be the house being built by Classic New Mexico Homes.   On the third visit to the house we met Wayne and after talking for awhile with them we felt that they made such a good team.   Wayne with his extensive knowledge of home construction, materials and wood working skills.  Kiki with her considerable artistic flair from painting the walls to picking the tiles to finding that special vanity or sink for a unique look.   

We’re native New Yorkers and fell in love with the Southwestern style architecture and décor years ago.   We think nobody builds a better home in the Southwestern pueblo style than Wayne and Kiki.   They spend considerable time putting the house on a lot so it has the best possible views.   They have great instincts for design and layout, thereby creating a home that is not only beautiful but both warm and comfortable.   

The next day we decided we would buy the house.  A couple of days later we signed a purchase agreement, put down a deposit and then we went to New York for the summer.   They kept us informed of the progress by phone and e-mails.   We felt very confident that they would do everything they said they would.   For instance, we a had a round dining room table and were concerned it would not fit into the dining space in the new home.   Wayne suggested that he could move the island in the kitchen to provide the additional space needed in the dining room.   This was quite a project and they did this at their own expense.

When we returned to Las Cruces to close on the house we saw that everything was done as agreed and more.   There were other changes and improvements that were done without any additional charge.   After we moved in that fall any minor repair was immediately taken care of.   
Before retiring, Bill was in business for many years, he dealt with countless companies and individuals but never dealt with more honest and hard-working people as Wayne and Kiki Suggs.   We feel that they build a house as though they are building it for themselves, with love and great attention to detail.   The Suggs build a unique and high-quality home which anyone would be proud of.

Bill and Nancy

The first time I saw an example of the Classic New Mexico Homes style was in the 2006 Spring Showcase of Homes here in Las Cruces.  Walking into the courtyard was the first welcoming feeling, and then stepping into the house it was a feeling of "home sweet home."  That home was pre-sold, and I could see why.  The attention to detail and craftsmanship was evident throughout.

I finally met Wayne and Kiki in 2007 and had them look at a lot in Picacho Mountain I had bought.  They had a vision of how the house could fit right in with the terrain, how it could capture all the great views, and how they could preserve the existing desert around the house.

Through the whole construction, Wayne was on site, demanding the very best.  And everyone who worked there wanted to do the best, in fact, they said a couple of times to me that if Wayne wants it this way or that way, that's the way we're going to do it, because we want to keep Wayne happy.  Along with Wayne and Kiki was Greg, who did beautiful and well-thought-out carpentry, and Adrian and Victor, who worked on every part of the house.

Kiki's sense of design and color was outstanding.  The tile, paint color, finishes and fixtures are so beautiful.  I can't walk through the house very fast, because I have to stop and look at this and that, and it's so beautiful.  It glows.  It feels like "home sweet home."

Finally, the Suggs' warm personalities and stand-up integrity made it such a pleasure to work with them.  It was a great experience and the end result was a unique and beautiful home.



Dear Wayne and Kiki,

Approximately a year ago, when you finished our house you said you would be back in a year and do any necessary touch ups to our home.  So here we are a year later and sure enough you showed up just like you said you would.  It appears that once again you have exceeded our expectations.  We feel as though we still owe you and we cannot thank you enough. We are still amazed everyday that this is actually our home and we were truly so lucky to have had you build our dream home.

Love always,
David and Corina

To: Kiki & Wayne Suggs
Classic New Mexico Homes

     Our relationship with Kiki and Wayne Suggs began two plus years ago.   My wife Mary and I enjoy viewing new homes under construction – and that fateful day we happened upon a Classic New Mexico Home nearing completion.   What a beauty! We were impressed with the pueblo style and design, heavily timbered with every detail well thought out and executed.   We were not actually looking to build a house, but we just were curious and wanted to meet the builder of this masterpiece.
     We contacted the office and made arrangements to meet for dinner.   After meeting the Suggs, we were stunned by their enthusiasm, creativity, ideas, and dedication – we knew then they were not your average builder.   Another astonishing fact was that they will not start a new home until the home they are building is weeks away from completion in order for either Kiki or Wayne to be on site to oversee, if not do the work themselves.   We followed their schedule and met some of the subs and found them to be a conscientious as the Suggs themselves.   With such a full schedule we knew that if we decided to build our “Dream Home” it would be a least two years before they could start construction.  So we decided to put our house on the market and enlist their help in finding the perfect  lot!! With Wayne’s vision we cannot believe what he knows and now we see – beautiful vistas from each room in the house.   Greg and Cindy Duff work along with the Suggs – Greg,  constructing custom cabinets, desks, bookcases, you name it! And his wife Cindy, an artist makes one of a kind mosaic countertops.  Victor and Adrian are master craftsmen who we have come to know and love as well, having been involved in every step of the building process and after even helping us with our move!
     With each idea that Mary and I had – Wayne, Kiki, Greg, and Cindy worked to improve upon it and make the outcome better than we expected.
     If you are planning to move to New Mexico or to build a new home, there is not another choice for making the most of your dollar and getting exactly what you want in the process.   The precision, attention to detail, ideas, quality of workmanship and integrity are unmatched.   We have our “Dream Home”,  only above and beyond our expectations.

Bob & Mary Talamini

Hi guys,

After coming back from the house this afternoon I was really struck by the fantastic job you guys (including Adrian, Victor, Greg) are doing for us. Even with my limited ability to visualize I can see it all coming together- and, to my eyes, it is unbelievably great. And, I know that it’s only going to get better as the process moves along. 

But I also want to express something else, and this is much more feeling than seeing- and that is your unbelievable commitment to building the best home possible. And beyond that I feel that you yourselves are among the very finest folks I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting and working with. It’s just great to know you as people, and I surely hope our relationship can continue beyond completion of our home.

One other thing I have to say- I’m rather impatient, as Jan has been wont to say, and each day feels like 10 to me because I’m so anxious to see the finished work. But, I’m also enjoying the process.


Wayne and Kiki Suggs

Classic New Mexico Homes

Clearly you love what you do.
After six years in Las Cruces and looking at hundreds of houses, (I never missed a Parade of Homes) and talking with countless builders, I stumbled across one of your homes (Quail Brush) and I knew “here is my builder”.  I could never express to other builders exactly what I was looking for, but as soon as I saw one of your homes, I knew I was home at last.
My home is unique and lovely, built with integrity and dedication to every detail and the cabinets and extras by Greg are truly outstanding.   Adrian and Victor are excellent workers and take pride in being part of the crew.
Kiki and Wayne you are true artists who clearly love your work.
Fortunate are the few who can claim they live in a work of art by Classic New Mexico Homes.

Ruth Dolan

Here is Kate, one of our many satisfied clients
I had this concept, see. I was walking around a small village in Mexico a long time ago, when I came across a door in the middle of a wall. I peeked in and what I saw blew me away- it was a courtyard with little trees and plants, surrounded on three sides by a house. I never forgot that scene, and dreamed that, someday, I could actually live in a house like that.
Forward quite a few years. My wife and I bought a little house in Las Cruces- a “winter” house. Well, after the first winter here we decided we weren’t going back east; put our Philadelphia house on the market, and made plans to build in or around Las Cruces.
Forward another year. Our house in the east sold, and we started researching. I’m pretty good at understanding concepts, and my wife Jan is a terrific detail person- so we made a darn good team. We interviewed builders, designers, architects, looked at countless blueprints and finished houses- and everything sort of looked the same; nice, but missing what I had inside my head.
It was only by luck that we stumbled upon Wayne and Kiki Suggs of Classic New Mexico Homes- because they don’t advertise (they don’t have to do so, with a waiting list). A developer offered to show us houses designed by an architect and a designer- and, oh yes, a pueblo-style home designed by a builder. When I walked into that home, looking at all the wood, Saltillo tile, rustic cabinetry, I knew these were the folks to build our home- if they could design a house following my concept.
A unique thing about Wayne and Kiki is that, unlike other builders, you do not have to commit to have them build for you before you see the design. They took my concept, ran with it, and came up with a plan much the better than what I had envisioned. 
Building commenced. I found Wayne and Kiki to be really, truly “hands on”. They are there, on site, all the time. Not only are they making sure that all work being completed by their sub-contractors is up to spec., but they do a terrific amount of work themselves. Plus, their sub-contractors work with them on all their jobs and can live up to the exacting standards demanded of them. Another plus is that there are four other members of their permanent team- Greg, a super cabinet maker, Adrian and Victor who can do most anything and everything, and Irma, who keeps the budget on track.
Passion is a word that, perhaps, can be overly used. Not in this case! Every member of the team is truly passionate about what they do, and they accept no compromise toward excellence. 
The building process continued for six and one half months- an inordinate amount of time to build a 2900 square foot house. Most builders would have completed the job in three months, but the new owners would not have received a truly quality product. To my mind both Wayne and Kiki are monomaniacal (you know, like Ahab pursuing the white whale) in making sure the house was absolutely the best. To that end Wayne and Kiki, after consulting with us, made constant running changes rather than just working off the blueprint. My wife Jan and I are rather intelligent folks, but we really don’t know much about building houses. So Wayne and/or Kiki would explain to us in detail the change they would like to make and the reason behind it. Invariably the change bettered the original plan. Now again I want to point out that, to us, the original plan was fine. We could not make any suggestions as to how to better it, and the Suggs didn’t have to do this. It actually cost them time and/or money to make each change, but they are, as I said above, kinda nutsy about what they put their name to. So you see, they will work with you; they WANT to work with you. The more you’re on site the better- so they can explain what’s going on and gauge your opinion of the progress. 
We’re in the house now, and enjoying it more than we could have believed. This home is surely unlike any other in the Las Cruces area, except the Suggs’ other homes. No other builder has this type of quality- in style, in craftsmanship, in detail. 
In ending let me state that you can read thousands of testimonials about various builders, but the real proof is looking at what they have done- not in photos but in person. Then you will know.

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CliWayne and Kiki

Approximately 4 years ago as we were rushing to get out of town to go on vacation and hiking, we made one of the best decisions in our lives.  That decision was to beg, borrow, and steal to make an offer to buy our wonderful home.  It is truly a home in every sense of the word and so much more than just a house.  Now that we are once again rushing to leave town on vacation, we decided to make it a tradition and once again commit to now expanding our home with you all. 
Let us continue our wonderful friendship and relationship with you.

We love you guys!
Eddie and Mary

When considering a move to Las Cruces,  our fact finding mission involved looking at houses and meeting local home builders. We were fortunate to be introduced to Wayne Suggs, who graciously showed us a home he had under construction as well as a completed home, both in Picacho Mountain.  I fell in LOVE with the Classic NM style home and the high attention to detail that was evident in his work!  The handcrafted cabinets, colorful Mexican tile, and wood accents (ceilings, floors, etc.) really caught my attention. I was so grateful to their former clients  who opened their homes to us for our own private tour; hearing what THEY had to say about working with Wayne and Kiki really impressed us. After that, every builder I met and every home I saw was assessed through the prism of Classic NM Homes; and every time, the other builders and homes fell short.  It was decided that when the time came, CNMH would build for us.  
When we finally decided to proceed with home building (I wanted to be SURE we were staying in Las Cruces), we met Wayne’s lovely wife Kiki. What a creative talent!! I am easily overwhelmed by having too many choices; and of course, when building a home there are THOUSANDS of choices to be made. Kiki (and Wayne too….ha, ha!!) listened to what I said I LOVED, what I said I didn’t love, and transformed it into the home of my dreams. I had two or three “must have items” (like an internal brick wall) but other than that, I said “wow me” and they did!! I was given a say in every decision, if I wanted one; but honestly, I trusted this team so completely that I often said “I defer to your judgment” or “surprise me”…and I was never disappointed! Having Wayne and/or Kiki on sight every day gave me such confidence; I knew our house was being built RIGHT. 
The team at CNMH took every little bit of our lifestyle into consideration when designing and building our home…and I couldn’t be happier. Even still, three months after moving in,  I randomly turn to my husband and say “have I told you today how much I love our house”.  Thank you, Wayne and Kiki and Gregg and Adrian and all the team whose names I should remember but don’t (some weeks I stopped by every day!!) for making my dreams come true.
 I love my Classic New Mexico Home! 


                                                                                            June 26, 2013
Dear Wayne and Kiki    

When someone looks at a house, they look at it as a future home that they have to make into what they want. Sarah and I got so very lucky, we got something that we consider to be a home just like it was, more than a home, really. We got New Mexico that happened to be inside a home. When we asked for help making that home a little larger, you became as invested in the effort as we were. I would say even more invested in it.
I cannot thank you enough for something that is already so very treasured in our family. Everything you have done has far exceeded what we had hoped for. If we made a suggestion or asked for help getting something set up, you made it happen. There just aren’t words for how happy you have made us.
I sincerely recommend Classic New Mexico Homes to everyone I meet. I always welcome anyone to come into what you have created so that I can share what we are lucky enough to have. I really believe that what you have done is the art that expresses New Mexico in the best possible light and I always nt to share that with others.
Many thanks for a job so very well done. You will always have our undying gratitude.


James Scott

C4 (to the left), is very satisfied too!

Wayne and Kiki Suggs completed our new home in February of this year (2016), and my wife Andrea and I moved in on February 8th. Our home is a classic adobe, southwest style home of approximately 2100 square feet, located on the northern edge of Picacho Hills, in the Mansiones de Galicia development.

  Wayne and Kiki (and their team at Classic New Mexico Homes) built for my wife and I the most beautiful home that I could imagine. Our home, though smaller than most that Wayne and Kiki have built, is a wonderful example of Adobe, Southwest design, both inside and out. The quality of design and construction is unsurpassed ANYWHERE, in my humble opinion. Wayne and Kiki delivered EXACTLY what Andrea and I wanted, and what Wayne and Kiki said they would build. Wayne and Kiki are both accomplished artists, and their product reflects not only their artistic talents, but more importantly their passion for delivering a finished artistic masterpiece which they created out of their imaginations and joint creative genius. They did this in the form of a dwelling, a home; a residence with all of its practical features and day to day conveniences. However, I am surrounded by a quality of material and construction which makes me feel like I am living in a museum or a restored national monument. I do not think that I will ever stop marveling at the beauty of the home which Wayne and Kiki built for Andrea and I.

Additionally, and perhaps more important to me, is the fact that Wayne and Kiki are absolutely the two most professional and honest home builders I have ever met. They are also two of the best people I have ever encountered, in any profession. I am a retired attorney and former prosecutor, and I have, in my professional life met many people who were, to be polite, a disappointment. Wayne and Kiki are a delight to work with and simply to know as friends. My wife and I have been blessed to know them and to have them build our home. Should you desire to have a custom home built in the Las Cruces area, go to Classic New Mexico Homes today, without delay. Should you discover that you may have to wait for them to build your home, then wait. You will be very glad that you did.

David K. Walker

Judy and I first saw a Classic New Mexico Home during a tour of the Las Cruces Fall Parade of Homes.  When we walked into the newly constructed home, we immediately knew this was the unique and beautiful style of home construction we wanted for our own home when we retired to New Mexico from Iowa.  The construction was genuine pueblo style which exuded a warm and comfortable “homey” feeling.  We felt relaxed and content in that home.  We felt the same way when Wayne took us through other homes they had built.

Retirement was still over a year away, but we wanted our home built by the time we moved to New Mexico.  We had purchased land in a wilderness area 75 miles from Las Cruces.  Wayne and Kiki took on the significant challenge of building for us in this area.  They listened closely to what we wanted to reflect our lifestyle. They traveled twice to the site, after we had returned to Iowa, to design a home that would meet our desires and take advantage of the beautiful mountainous surroundings.

Before construction began, Judy and I traveled once more from Iowa to New Mexico where we met with Wayne at our building site.  He had drawn out to scale in spray paint on the ground the outlines of the entire house.  The plan looked great, even on dirt.  Judy and Kiki spent hours in Las Cruces visiting vendors, making all the interior design decisions (I was allowed to be physically present only as long as I agreed not to “participate” too much).  Wayne was flexible in modifying his standard construction contract to assuage my lawyerly compulsion to change all initially submitted proposals.

Judy and I returned to Iowa.  Construction began.  During the entire construction period, we remained in Iowa.  Wayne and Kiki kept us apprised of the building progress by phone and email and sent us literally hundreds of photographs via the internet so we could follow in detail the entire construction process.

Friends in Iowa questioned whether it was a good idea to not make trips to New Mexico to physically observe construction in progress.  Neither Judy nor I felt the need to do so.  We had already decided Kiki and Wayne were people of integrity.  We implicitly trusted them.  The next time we came to New Mexico, the spray paint lines in the dirt had turned into a completed home, the dream home Judy and I both had hoped for and envisioned.  

Wayne and Kiki are both extremely imaginative, creative and skilled designers and builders.  Our home beautifully reflects their immense talents.  People who have visited our home have commented that each window looks like a piece of framed artwork.  They marvel at the inside and outside finish work.

For us, our home is the most beautiful and practical dwelling we have ever seen.  Our trust and faith in Wayne and Kiki has been completely warranted.  They did what they said they would do (actually, even more), and the cost of the home was within the range we anticipated and had agreed upon.
Kiki and Wayne have over the course of construction become our good friends, almost family.  They will always be a part of our home.  They, along with their talented crew, have recently returned and fulfilled, as promised, the fairly minor list of touch-ups needed several months after any new construction has been completed.

If you want to build an exceptional pueblo style custom home, Classic New Mexico Homes should be your builder.  Wayne and Kiki are people who keep their promises.  Judy and I honestly believe they are constitutionally incapable of building an inferior home, because their character make up will not allow it.  High quality is simply who they are as human beings. 

Pat and Judy

Kiki and Wayne,

First we would like to thank you for celebrating our new  "Classic New Mexico Home" and for being our "co-host".  We really appreciate the great gift you gave us and the message.

For some reason we feel "thank you" will never be enough for the beautiful home you built for us.  Everytime we sit down to relax we find ourselves saying, "we can't believe this is our home".  Who ever said dreams don't come true!  We really feel lucky we ran into you again and were able to make our dream house a reality.  
Wayne, no one can match your attention to detail.  Kiki, the front gate, the bathroom mirror, tiles, lighting fixtures, so on and so on are magnificent.  We also feel fortunate to be the first to have Greg's work in our home.  Our friends love the house and the warm feeling they get when they are here.  As we have often said to one another, "a whole lot of love and fun went into this house".
So once again thank you, thank you for making our dreams come true, and thank you for the friendship, love and happiness that came with this house.


We've been in our Classic New Mexico Home for one and a half months, and it has been a dream  come true.  We affectionately call our home a Wiki home, (a combination of Wayne and Kiki Suggs the builders names).  Having our home custom built by Wayne and Kiki was the best decision we've ever made.  
Our Classic New Mexico Home is not your typical southwest style home.  The Suggs have gone above and beyond what the usual homebuilders will do by paying extra attention to detail.  We were consulted on virtually every aspect of the home, from the initial floor plan design,to the tiniest of details.  The quality of the construction is evident at every glance.  Wayne Suggs was always on the jobsite and would oversee every step of the construction. 
The Suggs are  well known, reputable, and respected homebuilders who have made the process of having our home built, a pleasure.  
We heard time and time again how people wished they could have the Suggs build their home and we truly feel blessed to have had the opportunity to work with the Suggs.  Not only did we have a professional relationship with them, but through the process they have become good friends.


Classic New Mexico Homes